M4PC Disambiguate the tag purpose: development/production using sandbox/licensed - Mendix Forum

M4PC Disambiguate the tag purpose: development/production using sandbox/licensed


In the Mendix for Private Cloud (M4PC), environments of applications can be created quite easily. Each node has a setting to indicate the purpose: it's set to either Development or Production (see screenshots below). These values for these purposes are ambiguous, as it's not referring to the environment, but whether or not a license key can be entered (and needs to be checked). So if you use a license for the test and acceptance environment, these nodes get a label “Production” in their status, which is confusing.

Please rename “Development” and “Production” to something like “Sandbox” and “Licensed” to clearly distinguish the name of the environment from the licensing model chosen for that node.



1 answers

Thanks for implementing this!
