How can I deploy my free app so that my users can use it? - Mendix Forum

How can I deploy my free app so that my users can use it?


I have created an, and I want my users to be able to test it. When I click on view app after running our app in Mendix Studio Pro, I have no problems when logging in and using the app. However, when I want to view our app outside of the Mendix Studio Pro program, I cannot log in as it says wrong username or password. My app is not licensed and so I cannot deploy it to a licensed cloud node. I am not a very advanced developer so some help will be appreciated. How can I let my users use my app. I preferably want to be able to use it on a cellphone, for which I have already created a profile in Mendix Studio Pro. How can I deploy my free app so that my users can access and use it? I have already looked up the Mendix documents, but I cannot understand what they want me to do. Usually, they require me to know more advanced programming which I don't.

1 answers

Your app in the cloud has a different database, so there are different users and passwords. If you enable demo users then you will be able to login as demo_administrator and create new accounts. The password for demo_administrator can be copied from the security section in Studio Pro

