Provide Mx4PC support for multi-host jdbc connection strings - Mendix Forum

Provide Mx4PC support for multi-host jdbc connection strings


We use PostgreSQL servers which are hosted on VMs as app databases. For HA, it's possible to get a database cluster with three hosts (one primary, two replicas). PostgreSQL supports multi-host jdbc connection strings as described on PostgreSQL: Documentation: 16: 34.1. Database Connection Control Functions . With this, a connection fail-over can be configured with something like



(see Initializing the Driver | pgJDBC (


In the mxpc-cli configuration tool I can create a dedicated JDBC database plan in which a JDBC connection string can be configured. However, according to the Expert Service, multiple hosts with connection-failover are not supported by Mx4PC. This means that we do not have the option of offering HA with the described DB setup.

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