Deployment Pipeline - Select App Restart Time - Mendix Forum

Deployment Pipeline - Select App Restart Time


Currently in Mx Pipelines, you have the ability to trigger pipelines based on a schedule, a commit or a manual trigger event. However, it will be nice to have the manual trigger event add a "restart at" feature where where you can specify at what data / time to restart the environment.

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A one time deploying of a package at a specific date/time would be great. This would allow to build in the weekend or during the night for production, without anybody having to interfere. Especially for production environments that have to be available during the day/evening.


Hi Xiwen, yes so the idea is to have a timed auto deployment. Currently, there is only 3 types which does not include a once-off timed auto deployment. For example, testing is done on the acceptance environment, and you want to deploy at midnight.


Just out of curiosity on the use case: Why do you want to restart app periodically? Or you mean to schedule a timed auto-deployment?
