Getting restservices.proxies.RequestResult issue

Hi, I am java developer. I am new to mendix platform.   I java I know if I am using any liberary I will be adding the same in pom.xml, which will automatically download and put the same in .m2 folder. I am getting below compile time error when I try to run the Mendix application. what I got know  package restservices.consume is missing. Question: Can I know in mendix how can I import the missing jar file. Do I have to manually download the jar and place in userlib folder?   Buildfile: C:\Users\459495\Documents\Mendix\FATCA Classifier-main\deployment\build_core.xml compile:     [javac] Compiling 752 source files to C:\Users\459495\Documents\Mendix\FATCA Classifier-main\deployment\run\bin     [javac] C:\Users\459495\Documents\Mendix\FATCA Classifier-main\javasource\dnbinterfacedirectplus\actions\ error: package restservices.consume does not exist     [javac] import restservices.consume.RestConsumer;     [javac]                            ^     [javac] C:\Users\459495\Documents\Mendix\FATCA Classifier-main\javasource\dnbinterfacedirectplus\actions\ error: package restservices.consume does not exist     [javac] import restservices.consume.RestConsumer;     [javac]                            ^     [javac] C:\Users\459495\Documents\Mendix\FATCA Classifier-main\javasource\dnbinterfacedirectplus\actions\ error: package restservices.proxies does not exist     [javac] import restservices.proxies.RequestResult;     [javac]                            ^     [javac] C:\Users\459495\Documents\Mendix\FATCA Classifier-main\javasource\dnbinterfacedirectplus\actions\ error: package restservices.consume does not exist     [javac] import restservices.consume.RestConsumer;     [javac]                            ^     [javac] C:\Users\459495\Documents\Mendix\FATCA Classifier-main\javasource\dnbinterfacedirectplus\actions\ error: package restservices.proxies does not exist     [javac] import restservices.proxies.HttpMethod;     [javac]                            ^     [javac] C:\Users\459495\Documents\Mendix\FATCA Classifier-main\javasource\dnbinterfacedirectplus\actions\ error: cannot find symbol     [javac]         RestConsumer.addHeaderToNextRequest(header, value);     [javac]         ^     [javac]   symbol:   variable RestConsumer     [javac]   location: class addHeaderToNextRequest     [javac] C:\Users\459495\Documents\Mendix\FATCA Classifier-main\javasource\dnbinterfacedirectplus\actions\ error: cannot find symbol     [javac]         RequestResult res = RestConsumer.getLastConsumeError(getContext());     [javac]         ^     [javac]   symbol:   class RequestResult     [javac]   location: class getRestConsumeError     [javac] C:\Users\459495\Documents\Mendix\FATCA Classifier-main\javasource\dnbinterfacedirectplus\actions\ error: cannot find symbol     [javac]         RequestResult res = RestConsumer.getLastConsumeError(getContext());     [javac]                             ^     [javac]   symbol:   variable RestConsumer     [javac]   location: class getRestConsumeError     [javac] C:\Users\459495\Documents\Mendix\FATCA Classifier-main\javasource\dnbinterfacedirectplus\actions\ error: cannot find symbol     [javac]         return RestConsumer.request(getContext(), method == null ? HttpMethod.GET : method, url, optRequestData, optResponseData, sendWithFormEncoding).getMendixObject();     [javac]                ^     [javac]   symbol:   variable RestConsumer     [javac]   location: class request     [javac] C:\Users\459495\Documents\Mendix\FATCA Classifier-main\javasource\dnbinterfacedirectplus\actions\ error: cannot find symbol     [javac]         return RestConsumer.request(getContext(), method == null ? HttpMethod.GET : method, url, optRequestData, optResponseData, sendWithFormEncoding).getMendixObject();     [javac]                                                                    ^     [javac]   symbol:   variable HttpMethod     [javac]   location: class request     [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.     [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.     [javac] 10 errors BUILD FAILED C:\Users\459495\Documents\Mendix\FATCA Classifier-main\deployment\build_core.xml:29: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details. Total time: 27 seconds        
1 answers

First, if this is a fairly new project, I would recommend using the native REST functionality: the REST services module should not be neccesary anymore in Mendix 7.

To solve your actual error, you should download the REST Services module from the app store. That contains the necessary libraries, and should resolve your errors. Although the generally accepted practice in the Mendix community is to never change app store content, since this prevents updating the module, you may check if there have been no changes made to the module (right click the module in the project explorer, select Show history).

Mendix by default does not use a tool for dependency management.
