Attempt to illegally change a value for object with id %id%!
Hi everyone, I have this error message,when click a button. Project investigation needs. I create a entity , and setAttributeValue, then call a nanoflow to change object to show the entity to page. I did not do anything,and click the button which show a message only, it did not show my message,but system error. Code: let tempEntity; await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {{ entity: "MyFirstModule.TempEntity", callback:function(obj) { obj._setAttributeValue("IndustryCode",industryCode); obj._setAttributeValue("IndustryValue",industryValue); obj._setAttributeValue("HolidayCode",holidayCode); obj._setAttributeValue("HolidayValue",holidayValue); tempEntity = obj; resolve(obj); } }); return tempEntity; change object : Error: On page: An error occurred, please contact your system administrator. In console: Message: An error has occurred while handling the request. [User 'Anonymous_****' with session id 'XXXXXXXXd871' and roles 'Administrator'] Stack trace: com.mendix.webui.WebUIException: Attempt to illegally change a value for object with id '***' (MyFirstModule.TempEntity). Object hash is invalid! at com.mendix.webui.requesthandling.HashUtilImpl$.verifyHash(HashUtilImpl.scala:55) Is it mendix’s BUG? Old Fixes: Mendix Studio Version pro 8.12.1 Any advice or suggestion would be nice
jian wang
1 answers
Double check your security. What the error is telling you is that the user with this role is not allowed to change that attribute.