Getting unexpected error: Initializing environment is failed while deploying my application first time into production

Hello Team, I am getting unexpected error while deploying my application first time into production. 1. Logged into Mendix portal and came on environment page. 2. Selected application and click on transport to production and then followed <Transport>. 3. we are getting error 'unexpected error occurred: initializing Environment Failed.'  4. We are doing application deployment on the production first time. 5. we have tried 3 times and getting same error. Please assist how to resolve this error. Today we are going live with the new application so there will be impact as Go Live delay if this error will not resolved timely.   
3 answers

Hello Team,

This issue was resolved with the help of Mendix Support team. There was some configuration wrt to database was missing at mendix cloud side. Once it was corrected, our issue got resolved.


Getting below error while deploying application first time into mendix cloud production instance.


Hi Amitkumar,

Can you download the logs and see if you are able to get some more information. 

May be you can also attach the logs. This will enable someone from forum to help you about the issue. 

This screen shot is very general.
