Listing up JSON Objects on Mendix

Hi all,  I have a question about Listing up multiple objects on listview.  i imported JSON data from website and there are  several objects to parse. i followed the instruction via ‘Consume a REST service’ documentation, i could see a data from mendix page. But it was only one object and i could see the object only on dataview widget. So i tried to see ‘objects’ on the Mendix page by using listview widget, but it didn’t work. Do you have any idea that i can see more than one object on Mendix page? On the ‘Consume a REST service’ documentation, it only showed about using dataview widget. I have to see other objects on the website to select one of them  You can check the sample JSON structure:  
1 answers

Mendix will give you a single “Root” object that contains a reference to the rest of the structure. You should be able to retrieve your objects over association from the root object.
