Mindsphere user scope do not match to any given Mendix roles

Experts,        I have downloaded “Siemens Mindsphere Asset Monitoring Example” sample app and was able to build the mendix project, deploy it successfully to our Mindsphere tenant. I am able to run this app locally with no issues, but when tried to run it from the Mindsphere launchpad, it gives me the below error: “The assigned MindSphere user scopes: do not match to any given Mendix roles: User, Admin Please check role assignment for app and user”   I made sure that the user roles defined in Mindsphere are being defined and used on Mendix side as well. Also, to let you know that the app deployment via cloud foundry also went well without any issues.  Appreciate if anyone can help me fix this issue.  FYI...    Hitting F12 on the browser, shows me the following in the console tab:  
3 answers

Each application has to be assigned in the Settings app to the user. Have this been done?




it looks like that your application is not registered properly in the Developer Cockpit, or your user has not be assigned one of these roles within the Settings app.

Please make sure to logout from your tenant after you assign yourself the roles.


Hope this is helping



Hello Stefan,

         Per your suggestion,  I deleted and re-created the app in the developer cockpit. The problem is still the same. To answer your other question if my user is not assigned to one of the the roles, then I should see the same problem with other apps. I am able to run my other mendix apps.


