How to Access multiple sessions at the same time ?

Hello Team, We have deployed mendix application on windows using mendix service console and we created two service TEST and DEV, but when we are trying to access both aplications at the same time both sessions are logging off automatically, how can I access both application at the same time ?   Also we tried adding PersistentSessions in custom settings in mendix service console as in below image,     Thanks In Advance
3 answers

Hi Ashar,

if both apps run on the same host your browser will mix up the session cookies. You’ll need to access the two apps via different hostnames.

If your apps run on windows, you can edit the hosts file (c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) and add aliases for localhost. Then open the apps with different aliases in the browser (e.g. localhost1:8080 and localhost2:8081).


Either use different browsers (e.g. Chrome for DEV, Microsoft Edge for TEST), or use different browser profiles to access your apps simultaneously. You can easily create multiple profiles in Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, and use one profile exclusively to access TEST, and the other one to access DEV. By assigning a profile picture, you can also easily distinguish your browsers and thus the app in your windows task bar.

Hope this helps,




Did you try chnageing this setting to yes?
