How to export an app to the cloud environment of another app?

We developed a “free” app, it has only the default sandbox cloud environment. And we have another free app, but this one has SAP PVM environment available.  We need to transfer the build from the first app to the second app cloud environment. Is it possible to export the app as a package and upload it to the cloud environment of another app? Or we have to export the whole app as a Mendix package, import it in the second app using Mendix Stusio Pro, so that both apps would become the same, and then deploy to the cloud from the mainline?
2 answers

With the free cloud version, you can not move the package from cloudfree1 to cloudfree2 (fro example)

Easy way is to export project package, then use studio pro open project from export file, and it will create a new team server free app.



export the whole app as a Mendix package, import it in the second app and then deploy to cloud
