Runtime Error - Executing DDL commands.

Hello People,   We have been trying to publish our app to the mendix cloud (it is a free app, so it gets published to sandbox), when we do that we see the following errors in the logs:   • 10:32:43 AMAPPINFOConnectionBus: Database engine version: 9.6 • 10:32:43 AMAPPERRORExecuting start did not succeed: result: 3, message: The database has to be updated. (1065 database change queries needed) • 10:32:43 AMAPPINFOCore: Executing DDL commands... • 10:32:42 AMAPPINFOJun 15, 2021 5:02:42 AM org.hsqldb.persist.Logger logInfoEvent • 10:32:42 AMAPPINFOcheckpointClose end • 10:32:43 AMAPPINFOConnectionBus: Database product information: PostgreSQL 9.6.21 • 10:32:43 AMAPPINFOConnectionBus: Executing 1065 database synchronization command(s)... • 10:32:43 AMAPPERRORM2EE: An error occurred while executing action 'Execute DDL commands'. • 10:32:43 AMAPPERRORM2EE: com.mendix.m2ee.api.AdminException: Executing DDL commands failed. • 10:32:43 AMAPPWARNINGMENDIX LOGGING: Mendix logfilter crashed with return code 0. This is nothing to worry about, we are restarting the logfilter now. • 10:32:43 AMAPPINFOat com.mendix.basis.component.internal.LocalComponentImpl.executeDDLCommands(LocalComponentImpl.scala:122) • 10:32:43 AMAPPINFOCaused by: com.mendix.basis.connectionbus.ConnectionBusException: Error (SQL State: 42701, Error Code: 0) on executing: • 10:32:43 AMAPPINFO"id" int8 NOT NULL, • 10:32:43 AMAPPINFO"ymin" decimal(28, 8) NULL, • 10:32:43 AMAPPINFO"ymax" decimal(28, 8) NULL, • 10:32:43 AMAPPINFO"xmin" decimal(28, 8) NULL, • 10:32:43 AMAPPINFO"xmax" decimal(28, 8) NULL, • 10:32:43 AMAPPINFOAll changes are rolled back. • 10:32:43 AMAPPINFOat com.mendix.connectionbus.modelsynchronization.DdlCommandExecutor.handleCommandExecutionException(DdlCommandExecutor.scala:149) • 10:32:43 AMAPPINFOCaused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column name "xmin" conflicts with a system column name • 10:32:43 AMAPPINFOat org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.receiveErrorResponse( • 10:32:43 AMAPPINFOat org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.processResults( • 10:32:43 AMAPPERRORExecuting execute_ddl_commands did not succeed: result: 1, message: Executing DDL commands failed., caused by: Error (SQL State: 42701, Error Code: 0) on executing: • 10:32:43 AMAPPINFO"id" int8 NOT NULL, • 10:32:43 AMAPPINFO"ymin" decimal(28, 8) NULL, • 10:32:43 AMAPPINFO"ymax" decimal(28, 8) NULL, • 10:32:43 AMAPPINFO"xmin" decimal(28, 8) NULL, • 10:32:43 AMAPPINFO"xmax" decimal(28, 8) NULL, • 10:32:43 AMAPPINFOat org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.execute( • 10:32:43 AMAPPINFOAll changes are rolled back. • 10:32:43 AMAPPINFOat org.postgresql.jdbc.PgStatement.executeInternal(  we had all these attributes (xmin, ymin ….) we tried deleting them and publishing app again, but its still the same. Moreover on local it works fine. Any suggestions or help is welcomed. Thanks in advance.
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