How to copy/backup data from production environment to acceptance environment?

Hi Team, I need to copy/backup data from production environment to acceptance environment because I have to do some testing on large amount of data which is available in production but I can not directly deploy code into production to perform my testing. So, if I copy/move/backup data from production to acceptance then I can do testing easily.  How I can copy/move data from production environment to acceptance environment?
1 answers

Hi Samarth Jadhav, 
i fyou are using a Mendix Cloud it is very simple. You can create a back up manually for your Production Environment and restore the back up file in QA environment. You can find the steps int he belwo documentation:

Create Back up :
Restore a Back up :

If the Data is too huge make sure Both Production and QA does have the same database container plan. 

Hope this helps!!

