Reference Selector In Native

How can I use a reference selector in the native project, I tried to download the offline reference selector but it only works on the web document only, is there any other way to get the referenced objects? i also tried the data source nanoflow but it didn’t work either
2 answers

Perhaps I don't get the question, but I don't see the issue. So I think you mean to ‘drill down’ in choices based on your previous selection? So your domain would probably look something like this

Since we can only retrieve one step in a native profile, you can model your page using a dataview for every previous selection, that contains a reference selector for the next object, like so:


So I think you are looking for a final result like this?


I too have been fighting this issue for sometime, a work around is described in but I have not implemented nor tested it but I think I’m going to have to resort to this as there appears to be no “Native” base functionality available.
