Incorrect login page is shown

Hi everyone, I’m currently building an app in Mendix for private cloud – standalone. The problems that I have is that the “default” mendix login page is shown instead of the one I’ve built in Studio Pro. FYI: I created the anonymous user role (in project security). I set “allow anonymous users” to yes and linked it to the anonymous user role. I created a anonymous “module” role and linked it in the project security to the anonymous user role. I created a new login page based on a custom template (blank page template) and gave the anonymous user access to this page. I’ve set the sign-in page and role-based homepage to the custom login page.   PS: locally everything is working fine, but in the test environment I see the wrong login page. Any ideas how to fix this?
2 answers


The problem wasn't in Mendix. It had to do with the yaml configuration file.. (Mendix for private cloud - standalone)


Hey there Jannes, can you share a screenshot of your navigation settings in the mendix modeler? This way i can check it for you if i know what might help.


Often the case is the authentication page not being set to the login page
