Disk Space Reached 100%

Hi All, Our production environment unfortunately reached 100% usage yesterday and it prevented our users from using the mobile application nor uploading of files. Upon logging a ticket with the Mendix support team, we were advised that our application is uploading files to the filesystem on the server instead of the S3 bucket, which has a bigger space compared to the filesystem. We then restarted the server which dropped the disk usage percentage by approximately 78% and we are now sitting at 12.8%. However, this is not a permanent fix because I do see an incline in the disk usage when users use the app. Is there a way, in the source code, to specify where the files should be uploaded to (S3 bucket instead of the filesystem) or a better way to upload files? We need a permanent solution to the disk usage problem because restarting the server whenever usage is 100% is not viable. It seems like the /tmp folder on the server gets full when files are being uploaded and gets cleared every time the server gets restarted. 
3 answers

We ended up having a session with the Mendix team to troubleshoot the issue our application was having and it turned out that it was caused by log files. Many thanks to Sergio Randazzo from the Mendix support team for taking his time help us with this issue.


Hi Tebogo, have you looked at this part of the documentation: https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/custom-settings#5-amazon-s3-storage-service-settings?


Hi Tebogo,

Are you using an on premise deployment? The setting would be here. 
