Branch too big. How to solved?

Hello Mendix community! I've been working with comendix for about a month now, and I'm noticing an increasing slowdown in the process. Destination when the local working copy is checked. I also noticed that the repositories are getting bigger. The project company I'm working on is using GIT as version control, and there are really huge files in the path .git \ objects \ pack. I don't know what could be happening.
3 answers

Not sure if this might help, but it often a solution to delete your project from your directory and download it from the sprintr environment.


Bumping this post since we are running into the same issue.  Our .git folder is 15GB’s!  Any suggestions to slim it down?


We also had the same issue and git by default do not understand the mpr file .
Git consider it binar and maintain the each version separately which makes the complete package huge .
We had to revert back to Team server . 
If someone knows it will be helpful for us also .
