Problems with my first licensed app!

Hi together, I just transferred my first application from a free app to a licensed app (Mendix Cloud). Now I have the problem that I can't use the demo_user for testing anymore (in my published free app it was still possible to use the demo_user) and I can't log in via the admin I set up, which for example has the permissions to create accounts etc..  Can anyone tell me what I am missing?   Thanks in advance!   Best regards Fynn  
1 answers

Hi Fynn, congratulations on your first licensed app!

Demo users only work in local and free apps, as mentioned in the project Security where you configure demo users.

In the Mendix portal you can set the MxAdmin password (Environments > Details > “Change Admin Password”). Make sure MxAdmin (only) has rights to create admin users. Login as MxAdmin, create an admin and then login as that admin to maintain the rest of your users / application.
