Environments and native app

Hi,  How does it works If I have my app deployed in test environment and native build done? Data from native app is connected to Test environment? How does it works with three environments? Could anyone help me? Thank you
2 answers

You have to deploy and publish one app per environment. So in our case we have three app deployed to IOS and Android. By using (in case of IOS) testflight you are able to deploy the test apps to you test group and the one in production to the public app store. In my opinion you always have to do it this way as you environment are separated servers so each app has a different endpoint. For IOS see: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/distributing-your-app-for-beta-testing-and-releases For Google: https://developer.android.com/guide/app-bundle/test


Thank you for your help Christian.
