Mendix deploy to IIS

Hello, I am trying to deploy my Mendix app to IIS in Azure cloud. When i run my Mendix service from console, it works fine but i wanted to run on IIS, i configured  my app in IIS. Now, i am getting following error. Kindly help. Where i am doing mistake ? also my login is getting failed to application even though right credentials are passed. HTTP Error 400.605 - Bad Request The request cannot be routed because it has reached the Max-Forwards limit. The server may be self-referencing itself in request routing topology.   Thank you very much in advance. Varun
2 answers

Did you setup the URL Rewrite / ARR rules correctly? You clearly made a loop in the forwarding, so you forwarded it to port 80/443 instead of the application port (propably 8080).


Thank you very much for your reply. Do i have to configure URL rewrite in ARR / server level ? currently i have done it in website level. No configuration available in Server ARR as URL rewrite already in website level. Did i missed anything else ?

Website level:




Server levell:



