Error : Redirect URI when click on Any action from Home Page

Hello Everyone, We have Teamcenter Sample Project, The project successfully run locally on Mendix Cloud. Also the the project runs when we run that Project using http://localhost:8080. But when we try to run project on host web-site from client able to get home page but no further action happened getting below error. Please let us know, any solution
1 answers

The get request to load font Open Sans from Google’s font api runs into a timeout. My first guess would be that you run the app on premise (judging by the url in the last image), and this environment is not allowed to access the internet. Ask your IT if this is the case, and how to handle this situation based on your company’s policies.

Alternatively, You can try to remove the font import in the main.css file in your project (make a copy of this file before editing it) and then test again on your yenvironment. I added a screenshot of the CSS file where I commented out the font imports.
