Hosting Mendix App on Azure using AD Authentication

Hosting Mendix App on Azure using AD Authentication?Could anybody help me on this ?I want to use AD Authentication in my mendix app and need to host it on Azure.  
2 answers

Hi Jaya,

There are multiple ways to host your Mendix app on Azure – Windows VM / Linus / AKS. You can follow the guidelines here for windows and here for kubernetes.

You can also use Mendix for private cloud when you deploy on Azure.

For authentication using Azure AD : 

  1. You need to include the SAML module in your app.
  2. Register your app in Azure’s "App registrations” with app and redirect urls. Reference link.
  3. You'll receive metadata for use in your Mendix app's configuration from this registration.
  4. Configure your Mendix app's SAML configuration and you're good to go.  

Hello Jaya,

I think you are combining two questions into one. 

Hosting your app on Azure is independent from using the AD. Unfortunately I cannot help you concerning your hosting question.

For the AD you need to implement the SAML module from the marketplace. It is not an easy module to configure, but it works very well.
