Why i am not able to create cluster on AWS website using AKS i want to deploy my mendix app on AWS

Why i am not able to create cluster on AWS website as i have already created my account on AWS.I am following all the steps of https://academy.mendix.com/link/paths/101/Mendix-for-Private-Cloud and trying to connect it with AWs AKS services.Could anybody help me what steps do i need to follow exactly.
3 answers

Hi  Eric Tieniber,

I want to do this and i am using Mendix for Private Cloud, a solution which connects one-click deployment with your Kubernetes cluster.For this i have created an account on AWS and trying to connect kubernets cluster from there but i am not getting which steps do i need to follow exactly as i have reached till here -i am sending you the screenshots for the steps that i have achieved yet-


After this step i have runned the command in cmd prompt as an administrator and getting following screen-Here i am not 


Hi Eric Tieniber,

The screenshots that i have sent in my previous answers after those steps i am not able to run installer and not able to create Kubernet clusters on AWS.As i have already created one insatnce on AWS.Please tell me as i have created an instance with windows server with containers(Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Base with Containers) .Guide what exactly do ineed to create .Could you please guide what steps do i need to follow exactly to achieve hosting of Mendix App on AWS.


You need to run the installer where your K8s cluster is accessible. When using AWS, that will not be on your local machine. This guide may better articulate what you need to do:

