Sort behavior is different locally vs. in sandbox?

Hi, is this expected behavior? When sorting the following attributes locally I see this: Note how _Guid is first when sorting “Ascending”. This is what I get when I deploy to the cloud (Sandbox): Note how _Guid is now number 5 in the list. It seems that locally, the sort uses the first character “_” to sort. In the Sandbox it looks like “_” is being ignored and it sorts on the second character “G”. Why is this?
2 answers

Think I already found the answer. The local deployment uses HSQLDB and the public sandbox is a Postgresql db:

But more specifically it seems to be an issue with differences in collation between the two. Because I’m running locally on a windows machine and the cloud node is most likely a unix system, they probably have different collations, which can lead to different sorting results, even if the same DB is used (e.g. Postgresql):

I’m going to try and see if I can do a retrieve and then use the “List Sort” activity to get the same sort result across both locally and sandbox deploys.


Yes, the List Sort action solved this for me. Most likely because it’s using Java to do the sorting vs. the underlying DB.
