ForgotPassword Module not working in on-prem

Hi I’ve used Deep link with ForgotPassword in my project.  When I open Deep Link url, inside microflow I log user in and open ForgotPassword.RedirectPage screen. After that I’ve used ForgotPassword.RefreshToSigninUrl nanoflow to redirect user to appropriate home screen.  Inside ForgotPassword.RefreshToSigninUrl nanoflow, I can see is used “RedirectPage” javascript action and inside it tries to make post request to '/signin/’ endpoint.  Locally everything is fine. But when I deploy my application to my on-prem environment, the last redirection bit is not working. If I manually refresh the page I see that the user session has been created and I’m logged in.  Can anyone help me if I need to do more configuration for ForgotPassword module to work on my on-prem environment?   Update: More information about the case: When I run application in localhost I see that there is request that goes to /signin endpoint The preview looks like this (which is understandable as it is redirected to home page):     But in my on-prem environment I see same request but preview is this (which means that redirection didn’t happened. And that what is my problem in on-prem environment)   This means if I open this url: http://localhost:8080/signin/  it rediercts to http://localhost:8080 here. On My on-prem environment it is doing all other staff except redirection.  Regards  
3 answers

Is /signin/ allowed in the Path Based Access Restrictions list in the Network tab of the environment?


Hi All


I’ve managed to fix the problem. 

Anyone with the same issue go to Mendix Service Console on your on-prem environment then Configuration and specify Public application root URL. 





Just now the module SystemManagement released a new version that includes a forgot-password routine. It is less complicated compared to ForgotPassword-module. No need for a deeplink, for instance.

You will need to adjust two steps: how you retrieve the user and how you send the email to the user, but both will not be that difficult.
