Deploying to Licensed Cloud Node - Microflows are still old

All,  When I deploy to the Mendix cloud, I see my page changes, but my microflows are still running old versions. Like it never got updated. I have restarted the environment as well a number of times and it is still running an old version.  What am I doing wrong?
5 answers

Check in sprintr the number of the package the is currently deployed to the cloud:

In Studio Pro check the commit history (Atl, c, h) to see if your commitnumber matches the last 3 digits of version.


A second doublecheck:

- Close Studio Pro

- rename the project directory, for instance by postfixing _havingothermicroflows

- open Studio Pro again and redownload the project.

See what you get.


Likely, after you have done the above, you will have extra information on your mystery. Good luck!



Have you remote debugging the microflows with Studio Pro?  This might give you some insight into what is happening.

Hope that helps,


See here for instructions about using remote debugging:


It appears that the issue is with the retrieve action. My Xpath is not pulling back any results. I thought it may be permissions but all users have read/write on the entity in question. While debugging it returns 0 so that is definitely the issue. I am not seeing how this can be performing differently in production versus local host. 


This first step retrieves the record using a parameter of ObjectID where its = to _ID. Then it should delete the record from the list. It then runs the rest service activity and re-imports the data. I am doing it this way because the data itself is reference only in my app and I havent found another way to update a record using the import mapping of the JSON data. so when I run this it should be deleting the last runs record, and then create a new one with the same ID. But in Production the delete is failing because it does not see the data. Looking at it right now there are several records that are all the same. so it should see those based on the _ID.  The first screenshot is the data. You can see the repeat ID values. The second screenshot is a view from the debugger. ObjectID matches the value exactly and the retrieve doesnt pick it up. 


Hey Tony,

A few things I can think of which you can try:

  1. to ensure you have the latest changes in the cloud as your app, you can build a project package from studio pro itself, which will include your entire local app in its current state. You can then upload this package manually under the environments tab.

  1. Download a backup of your live app's database, restore it locally, and connect to it using Postgres. This will allow you to test your local copy of the app with your production data and might give you more info on what is happening when debugging.
  2. Create some overview pages which will display all the information which should be in the retrieved list. This will help you figure out if its perhaps a security rule or XPath constraint which is preventing the data from being returned.


Hope this helps

