Unable to deploy new model: Message received when attempting to publish

Good Morning, I am currently working on a project in Studio Pro 9.3.0 and when it comes to making a publish, I have received a message in Studio Pro:  “Something went wrong, unable to deploy new model, view developer portal.”    I review the console message in Studio Pro and it states: “Logging disconnected.” I then go to my environment in Mendix and it states in the deploy activity section “Couldn’t deploy to your sandbox. Please check the logs.”  I wasn’t having this issue until yesterday. For the most part publishing was not an issue until yesterday.    Appreciate any help and feedback based on this issue.    Thank you.  
1 answers

You can try running your app locally. Or create a new deployment package locally. That should tell you why the build is failing. Ensure your app can run locally then run in the cloud.


When deploying to free apps cloud check the logs at:
