Mendix on IIS as reverse proxy and IDP

Hello, We’re trying to install an mendix app on an on-premise stack with :  Our Mendix App is installed on a Windows server The ISS server is configured on the same server as Mendix (as explained in the documentation) We have an Apach in front of the IIS server, as a reverse proxy The user exists in Mendix database   We are facing a redirection issue between the IIS and the Mendix App : The authentication callback reach the mendix App but the there is no answer from the Mendix App We use an IDP The authentication callback reach the mendix App but the there is no answer from the Mendix App The callback is used to go to the homepage after the IDP response It a 302 redirection to the homepage After 30s we have error 502   Technicals informations : - Microsoft SQL Server 2019 - installation de service console ok - Server Distribution 8.18.16 (build 39115) - Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard Version 10.0.14393 Build 14393 - Microsoft .NET Runtime 4.7.2 - Adopt OpenJDK Java Platform 11.0.3
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