404 error during deployment / restarting application

Question: During a restart of the application (after a new deployment), clients accessing our website are greeted with a 404 error. When the restart is completed, all works as expected again. Is it possible to show an “under maintenance” message during the restart of the application? We use a custom domain for our application, let’s say app.domain.nl. While the application is restarting after a deployment, this url will show a 404 message: https://imgur.com/a/w6AMANR If we go to the default url for our application, let’s say app.mendixcloud.com, then we are greeted with a 503 error and a message that the app is not running and needs to be started or redeployed from the developer portal: https://imgur.com/eWk8daN I believe we can edit the offline page, however our custom domain does not return one of the mendix standard pages but just a 404 error. Is there a more graceful way of showing the user that the website is being redeployed such as a static page showing we are under maintenance? I cannot find any information on this issue via Google or the forum.   Edit: This question has been answered by Mendix support. See my answer below.
3 answers

Check this link: https://docs.mendix.com/howto/front-end/custom-error-page/ 


I am encountering the same issue. 

Our offline page works when we access the Mendix URL, but does not show for our custom domain. Our Custom URL shows 404.

Is there resolution to this?


Answer from Mendix support:


“Thank you for your patience. We have fixed the issue and it should not show 404 when the app will go down. 
You can configure a custom offline page to show the app is under maintenance page when the app is stopped manually. For more info on it you can check the below documentation:
Let me know if you have any questions.”


I can confirm this issue has now been resolved, when the application restarts it now shows the offline page, which is indeed customisable :)
