mendixplatformsdk - how to Batch updating page elements/widgets for my mendix app?

we have 2 project as below: -project1: pluggable widgets -project2: mendix sample app     the requirement is: whenever pluggable widgets changes , we want to use mendixplatformsdk  to 1- retrieve mendix sample app 2- copy new version pluggable widgets to sample app folder “/widgets “ 3- for the sample app, we need update all widgets 4- build image and run within docker     for the step3, is there any API can do it? i see the docs here but without any guidance, anyone know how to do it???     in Studio Pro, we can do it like this, how but can we do it with mendixplatformsdk?    
1 answers

As Frank said the 3rd step, I have the same use case: i want to update all widgets by using mendix sdk too.
I am confused about the description in the documentation [Batch updating page elements and labels].

Is there any clue to tell me how to use that API? 

Is there any expert to help me?

Thanks very much!
