Export/import Developer Portal settings

Hello everyone, I am looking for a method that can export/import developer portal settings.  Example: 1. How can I export/import permission settings in environment? 2. Is it available to add new members to the team by import a list of user instead inviting them one by one?   Does anybody have an idea to solve this issue?
4 answers

Hello Pham,

Unfortunately I don't have an answer for the first question. But for your second question, you can use the Excell importer module. Download Model reflection and excel importer modules from Marketplace. Import these modules into your application. In this way, you can import your users from the list. I hope this works for you.

Ridvan Oksuz


Hi Pham ,

First of all, I'm sorry for misunderstanding the problem. But as a solution, I just want to make a suggestion.

You can collect the email addresses you want to add via Excel in a single line with a simple formula.  [=TEXTJOIN(", ", TRUE, A2:A6) ]

And you can invite emails on this line at once. I hope this helps .

For more information https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/textjoin-function-357b449a-ec91-49d0-80c3-0e8fc845691c .





I don't think the portal has features for this, so you could ease your life a bit by using smart tricks like Ismael proposes.

If this will be a recurring thing and it is very important for your operation, you may want to check with Mendix support. They might be able to offer some support on this.

Not sure, but i may be worth a try.


Just adding my bit – every company has a Control Centre in which you can set up the basic settings for environments and roles. In a sense, you set them up once, and then later use them (import them) in any project generated for the company. More info right here: https://docs.mendix.com/developerportal/control-center/  
