Connecting to SQL Server issue

Hi Experts, My requirement was I need to get list of data from SQL server. I successfully installed SSMS and I can able to fetch data on SSMS manually.  But now I tried to fetch data from SQL DB from mendix ( using Execute Query activity in microflow). Its working fine in local but once the application deployed in cloud then its not working there. I can’t fetch the data from SQL DB. NOTE : Used same logic. its working in local but not working in cloud. Help me out how can I achieve this on cloud.   Thanks in Advance.  
2 answers

Hi Shalini Palani,

Are you trying to connect your local SQL Server from Mendix cloud application?


Hi Shalini,

I’m assuming that you are using the Database Connector module?

There can be various reasons for this failure – please consult your logs – that said, the most likely cause would be that you do not have the user (with the username and password provided in the constants) as a login on your database.

If that is not the issue, would you mind sharing your log messages?
