Upload never finishes

Due to various reasons, I haven’t used Mendix in a while. My app was on 8.12 and now I’ve updated it to 9.15. However, when I try to run it in the cloud, the upload/update never finishes. Little blue arrow-circle keeps spinning round and round and it never ends. I had it running of over an hour and no joy. Last line in the log is “2022-07-10 15:42:15.3819 INFO lambda_method371 Successfully committed on project XZY for branch 'trunk'.”, which corresponds to a couple of minutes after I started the upload. Has anyone encountered this? What did you do to resolve it? I tried restarting the Studio and it doesn’t help. In the dashboard the “View App” icon is greyed out and I can’t start it that way. App runs perfectly fine locally. Any advice is very appreciated!
2 answers

First, download the latest database-backup and try if your app locally runs fine when using that database. Just to exclude some data to be the problem.

Second, commit another change, then redeploy. See if that helps.


I’m gonna try that tomorrow, thanks. For the moment, I tried opening the app in Studio (in the browser) and publishing it. Same problem, publish takes forever and then says “Something went wrong, try again later.”
