encrypted value is EMPTY! in console even though there are values

I have spent over two days trying to fix the error message I keep getting in my Mendix Service Console. The error message is “encrypted value is EMPTY!” with no other information. I looked that up in forums and  it states that I need the encryption key in constants. Well I have the key info already in constants. I tried changing it to see if that would get rid of error but it doesn’t. I looked in studio pro and my keys are in there too. I’m at a loss as what is going on… Please advise because I cannot get into my app due to this error :(
2 answers

The message is the same as the one logged by the Decrypt microflow in the Encrypt module, but that’s an info level log and not an error, so I’m not sure it’s the same thing. But if it is, maybe your login flow or homepage flow or after startup flow (if your entire app fails to start) relies on an encrypted value somewhere that is decrypted and turns out to be empty?


Ok… I wish there would be info on what’s bringing up the info message so I can track what it is to fix it :)
