Run a Mendix Docker Image Error

Hi,   The following error occurred when running the image with the Docker build.   ERROR: Executing start did not succeed: result: 11, message: Security level should be set to CHECKEVERYTHING in order to run in acceptance or production environment.   The security settings for the project are as shown in the image.     Is there anything else I need to set up?   Thanks.
2 answers

Hi, I had the same issue.


Security level – Production

Check security – Yes 

App satus – Complete 


ERROR: Executing start did not succeed: result: 11, message: Security level should be set to CHECKEVERYTHING in order to run in acceptance or production environment.


I was wondering why my .mda files always had the same size no matter wich app I deployed to test with docker. So I changed the Create Deployment Package to Versioned – No to deploy all changes. 


This helped for me, I hope it does for you.




Did you amend the security after the build? If so did you update your Docker image?
