Force update Template DataGrid with source Microflow

Hi, I would like to force an update of a TemplateGrid which has, as data source, a microflow. I read that one option is to reload the page but this is not feasible for me since I am losing the state of an Entity (which is created from an external dataview).   Are there any other ways?    I am struggling to understand if my design is broken.  I am using the Entity “IotSoulutionBuilderQuery “ to collect all the filter parameters.  When those are updated, I would like to update the TemplateGrid “_getDevicesSensors” which has a microflow as data source.      Since I am not sure if I am using the right design, I am going to explain it below.       this is the domain model: IotSolutionBuilder query is used to filter out  IotSolutionBuilderItem. IotSolutionBuilder is created from the external Dataview “IotSolutionBuilderQueryDevice”. I CANNOT reload the page since I have an enity “IotSolutionBuilderCheckout” which is created from a Dataview. When i reload the page the state is Lost. (and I do not want that since it is the shopping cart).    Thank you very much.
1 answers

We do have a option in template grid Refresh time(in seconds).You can set time to refresh the template grid context.

I believe it helps your scenario.
