Logging in as a different User

I am making an app and want anonymous people to be able to view it. However, when I enable this option, I am no longer able to login as another user as there is no option to log in. Is this something I need to add somehow or is this a limitation to using the free app and only having a sandbox url?
2 answers

Hey Nicholas,


By default every Mendix application has a ‘/login.html’ page that allows for internal user login. The way to get there is to just add that path after .com for your Mendix application URL, something like: www.mymendixapp.com/login.html

There are ways to develop your own login form, so you can convert anonymous user sessions into validated user sessions. This learning path is a good place to start if you’d like to go that route:


Hey Nicholas,

After switching on the anonymous user, you have to make a custom logic page,

for this you can follow this learning path,



It will help!
