Issue in retrieving the data in Acceptance Environment

Hello Experts, I am facing problems while consuming SOAP web service and My use case is:-  1. I have soap web service running. 2. I have created consumed web service in mendix. 3. I have microflow which calls this web service and returns the list of objects. 4. I have table which is now using input datasource as microflow from step3. Now I am able to run the page and retireve data without issues only in localpc. But when I deploy the same application in Acceptance/Production environment then the below error occurs.   My soap web service looks something like this: ErrorStack: 3:41:23 PMAPPERRORConnector: An error has occurred while handling the request. [User 'VTAdmin' with session id 'ef4b4c4c-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXX5067' and roles 'SystemAdministrator'] 3:41:23 PMAPPERRORConnector: com.mendix.webui.WebUIException: Exception while retrieving data for 'Dm_ProjectCode.CodeOfProjectsSoapPage.grid1' on document 'Dm_ProjectCode.CodeOfProjectsSoapPage' 3:41:23 PMAPPINFOat com.mendix.webui.actions.client.RetrieveAction.$anonfun$apply$3(RetrieveAction.scala:94) 3:41:23 PMAPPINFOCaused by: com.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowException: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to [/] failed: Connection refused (Connection refused) 3:41:23 PMAPPINFOat Dm_ProjectCode.GetData_GetData_getCodeOfProject (CallWebservice : 'Call web service 'getCodeOfProject'') Can anyone help me what is the step I have to configure in acceptance environment to retrieve data from soap?
1 answers

Hi Raghavendra,


Without knowing enough about the specific SOAP service you are using, it is potentially an access restriction within this service. With the owner of the SOAP service, you can check if:


- The cloud IP should be whitelisted in order to use the service

- The credentials you are using for ACCP and PROD are correct

- You need a certificate if you are coming from another network


If so, you can use the Mendix documentation to see which IP addresses are being used.


Hopefully, this helps.
