Wrong login page display after deployment on AWS Cloud

Hi Reader,   I have deployed my application on AWS private cloud subnet by creating docker image.   I am using free app. I have created custom login page by enabling anonymous user.   I have provided my custom login page as role based home page to anonymous user and provided all the settings required on the navigation page but when I hit the application url on aws cloud mendix default login page i.e. login.html will displayed. Sometimes my custom login page display sometime mendix default login page displayed when I hit the aws url.   Can anyone tell/suggest me why I am getting this error and how to resolve this problem.   Thanks and Regards, Harshraj Singh
2 answers

Sometimes the default mendix login page appear if an error is happening, maybe this is the issue here. Try to check the log (if you can) or try to reproduce your bug in local. Check in the navigation what is the first page/microflow of your user. 


navigation can be found here :



Then take a look at the default home page and role based home page. This should allows you to see which microflow / page is being called when the user is entering the app. Maybe an error occur at this step. 
