Hi Team,   When i try to build using mxbuild i am getting killed at the end of mxbuild command.not sure what to do output generated no error file generated   [ec2-user@ip-172-31-21-91 modeler]$ sudo mono mxbuild.exe --target=package  --java-home="/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-11 ." --java-exe-path="/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-"  --write- errors=testerror.log --output=testt.mda /home/ec2-user/dummy/dummy.mpr    __  __      ____        _ _     _   |  \/  |    |  _ \      (_) |   | |   | \  / |_  _| |_) |_   _ _| | __| |   | |\/| \ \/ /  _ <| | | | | |/ _` |   | |  | |>  <| |_) | |_| | | | (_| |   |_|  |_/_/\_\____/ \__,_|_|_|\__,_|    v9.23.0.621 Starting build for Mendix Project file: /home/ec2-user/dummy/dummy.mpr Using the following options:  * Build target: Package  * Deployment package file: testt.mda Reading project file... Building project... Executing step 'Synchronize with file system'  * Synchronizing with file system... Executing step 'Initialize'  * Preparing deployment... Executing step 'Check prerequisites'  * Checking for errors... Executing step 'Clean deployment directory'  * Cleaning data broker files...  * Cleaning deployment directory...  * Cleaning ml deployment directory...  * Cleaning web deployment directory...  * Cleaning source web deployment directory... Executing step 'Perform model transformations'  * Applying model transformations... Executing step 'Generate deployment files'  * Writing files... Executing step 'Prepare deployment'  * Generating styles for icons  * Cleaning web deployment directory... Executing step 'Build deployment structure'  * Generating data broker files...  * Exporting ml models to ml deployment directory...  * Compiling theme files...  * Exporting a theme...  * Generating font files for icons  * Exporting pages...  * Exporting metadata...  * Exporting microflows model...  * Exporting custom widgets...  * Bundling custom widgets... Killed
1 answers

Got the solution for this..Actually Minimum ram required is 2gb for mx build.
