mxpc-cli apply-config not accepting namespace as command line parameter
We have a kubernetes(mendix private cloud – connected mode) environment. I am trying to run “mxpc-cli apply-config” from bash prompt Its not accepting namespace as input parameter Im getting error , “Failed to execute command: unknown shorthand flag: 'n' in -n” While help displayed, Allowing usage of namespace. Usage: mxpc-cli apply-config [flags] Examples: # Apply a config file mx_config_cli.yaml at the current directory in connected mode. mxpc-cli apply-config -n my-namespace -i 521fb301-5f4d-4e90-a871-fe84f0839351 -s KG68rQGBR93PM5L0
Sreekanth Yarlagadda
1 answers
mxpc-cli apply-config not accepting namespace as command line parameter