Error Occured, please contact your system administator- while executing microflow

Hi Everyone, In my local system is everything is fine, once i upload a package in window service console for on-premesis application. I face the issue like while executing the microflow after 2mins its throw in UI error like ‘Error Occured, please contact your system administator’ but still background reports is still executing, and also not able to see my report ouput as excel file.   Kindly help me to overcome this issue
3 answers

Hi Madhumitha, have you checked the logs to see if there is any information about the error displayed there? If the microflow is triggered from a button, check if the microflow setting is set to asynchronize call. If all of this doesn't help, then it might be worth it to debug the microflow and see what goes wrong.


Hi Madhumitha, 

Try to check logs in console. Mostly it happens when we use substrings. Check in the microflow whether you are using null conditions or not.


As others have mentioned, check the error logs. You should find a message (probably in red if running locally) that will say what happened. When we know what happened, we can work out how to fix it. It is usually a piece of data in the wrong format or with an unexpected value that you need to handle.

Good luck
