Hi We are trying to push a docker image to the AWS repository. After succesfully pushing and testing the image on the test environment we are not able to push it to our UAT environment. Situation: - After succesfully login into our environment - Pulling the image from our test environment - Tagging the image for the UAT environment we are calling the push using the following command docker push xxxxtestxxxx.dkr.ecr.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/appname-test:v1.6.12 I’ve added the screenshots of the commands. I’ve blurred in red the references to the test environment – and green the references to the UAT environment. Please not that the layers are pushing – the once’s in this screenshot are then send ‘Retrying...’ until the connection is lost (see green arrows). Did anyone had a simular issue and/or has tips for me. Thanks in advanced.