Docker container is not starting

hello. I deploying my app using docker and docker-mendix-builpack. I ran in to a problem when i want to start the app container. It throws error Permission denied.  INFO: ## . ## ## ## == ## ## ## ## === /""""""""""""""""\___/ === ~~~ {~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ / ===- ~~~ \______ o __/ \ \ __/ \____\______/ __ __ _ _ _____ _ | \/ | | || | | __ \ | | | \ / |_ __ | || |_ | | | | ___ ___| | _____ _ __ | |\/| \ \/ / |__ _| | | | |/ _ \ / __| |/ / _ \ '__| | | | |> < | | | |__| | (_) | (__| < __/ | |_| |_/_/\_\ |_| |_____/ \___/ \___|_|\_\___|_| For a Kubernetes native solution to run Mendix apps, see Mendix for Private Cloud. INFO: Executing export_industrial_edge_config_variable... INFO: Mendix Cloud Foundry Buildpack v5.0.4 [bd5df58] starting... WARNING: CF_INSTANCE_INDEX environment variable not found, assuming cluster leader responsibility... sed: couldn't open temporary file .local/sedi20a59: Permission denied ERROR: Starting application failed. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/mendix/build/buildpack/", line 152, in <module> m2ee = runtime.setup(util.get_vcap_data()) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/opt/mendix/build/buildpack/core/", line 616, in setup _activate_license() File "/opt/mendix/build/buildpack/core/", line 171, in _activate_license util.mkdir_p(prefs_dir) File "/opt/mendix/build/buildpack/", line 377, in mkdir_p os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) File "<frozen os>", line 215, in makedirs File "<frozen os>", line 215, in makedirs File "<frozen os>", line 215, in makedirs [Previous line repeated 1 more time] File "<frozen os>", line 225, in makedirs PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/opt/mendix/build/../.java' But when i build the image from same docker file and source files on other machine it works fine.  Does someone know, what could cause this and how to fix it?   docker version 20.10.25 docker-mendix-buildpack version 5.0.2
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