Exporting the local database to the server

Is it possible to upload the data that is in the local version to a server? During my work on the project, I have created a substantial set of data which may now be very useful to the project and I would hate to lose it I am using the Basic plan
2 answers

if you used the built in database in your local,I don't believe you can do it easily, but it can be done via export / import excel. 

maybe this will help : https://forum.mendix.com/link/space/databases/questions/119542



Creating a good template in Excel Importer to transfer the data from my (rather complicated) database would probably take more time than entering the data manually (but it's still very long). Especially as my entities often hold images which complicates things even more.

The forum thread you refer to mentions creating and importing a copy of the database but I can't see any more information on how to create and import such a copy.

On the other hand, my project, when exported to .mdk is over 550mb in size and manual import, by attaching an environment file, is only allowed up to 500mb :(

I wonder if there is another way to export this data? Supposedly you can manually enter everything from the beginning but I believe there is some smart way to save some time.
