please contact with your system administrator after running for several weeks

our APP is one quotation platform, where there are fours Operator Groups: Drive/ Drive_BJ/ MTS/ MTS_BJ. they all have  own data access so as to operate and monitor seperately. after deployed several weeks, it had been worked well. but now the operators from OperatorGroup Drive_BJ and MTS_BJ meet the problem: once they login in, "please contact with your system administrator" appears, besides, the old quotations  data all disappeared while no problem in other OperatorGroup views. GroupMTS_BJ(with error):. GroupDrive(normal): could anyone know the possbile causes? thanks a lot!!
1 answers



If you are receiving a system admin error there should be an error message in your system logs that explains the problem. Please go and check those logs to find the exact problem.


Most likely the problem stems from and attribute that is empty while you are trying to use that object. Thus it is always important to empty check objects that you retrieve before you try to use or change them. 


But admin errors stem from actions that error out and there is no error handling to catch the error.
