Cant deploy App, getting cleaning deployment directory erros.

Hello! I'm trying to start an application and I keep getting this error:     The details are: FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.   * What went wrong:Gradle could not start your build.> Cannot create service of type DependencyLockingHandler using method DefaultDependencyManagementServices$DependencyResolutionScopeServices.createDependencyLockingHandler() as there is a problem with parameter #2 of type ConfigurationContainerInternal.> Cannot create service of type ConfigurationContainerInternal using method DefaultDependencyManagementServices$DependencyResolutionScopeServices.createConfigurationContainer() as there is a problem with parameter #13 of type DefaultConfigurationFactory.> Cannot create service of type DefaultConfigurationFactory using DefaultConfigurationFactory constructor as there is a problem with parameter #2 of type ConfigurationResolver.> Cannot create service of type ConfigurationResolver using method DefaultDependencyManagementServices$DependencyResolutionScopeServices.createDependencyResolver() as there is a problem with parameter #1 of type ArtifactDependencyResolver.> Cannot create service of type ArtifactDependencyResolver using method DependencyManagementBuildScopeServices.createArtifactDependencyResolver() as there is a problem with parameter #4 of type List<ResolverProviderFactory>.> Could not create service of type VersionControlRepositoryConnectionFactory using VersionControlBuildSessionServices.createVersionControlSystemFactory().> Failed to create parent directory 'C:\Users\mlucero\Documents\Mendix\PracticaMendix-main_3\deployment\.gradle' when creating directory 'C:\Users\mlucero\Documents\Mendix\PracticaMendix-main_3\deployment\.gradle\vcs-1'   * Try:> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.> Run with --debug option to get more log output.> Run with --scan to get full insights.   * Get more help at   BUILD FAILED in 997ms   FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.   * What went wrong:Could not update C:\Users\mlucero\Documents\Mendix\PracticaMendix-main_3\deployment\.gradle\7.6\fileChanges\last-build.bin> C:\Users\mlucero\Documents\Mendix\PracticaMendix-main_3\deployment\.gradle\7.6\fileChanges\last-build.bin (El sistema no puede encontrar la ruta especificada)   * Try:> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.> Run with --debug option to get more log output.> Run with --scan to get full insights.   * Get more help at   BUILD FAILED in 1s     I've tried everything. From downloading different JDKs, to execute it without Gradle, and nothing works. Anyone had this error before? Thanks! 
1 answers

Hi Patricio


Have you tried manually deleting everything out of your deployment directory?


If that doesn't work, I would download a fresh copy of your app from the version control server and see if that will run properly.


Hope this helps!
