Published REST Service is not deployed to onpremise server

The project I am working on is deploying to an onpremise server. We have a Published REST Service of the OIDC module (oauth2) that we need to work on the on-premise environment. This is required for the Deeplink module to work, which needs the /login and /callback GET requests of this service.    However when we create a package (.mda file). When we deploy this package the REST service is not published as well. Resulting in 404 not found errors when trying to access. Logical, because it does not exist.    Does anybody know how to get our REST service working on the onpremise environment. We deploy to an IIS 10 environment. 
2 answers

have you follow the instruction from section 5.5 and take a look on web.config




404 error also occurs when user does not have access to the rest service. Please check user roles enabled for this service. 

Also use a swagger link to test the rest service. This will help you in debugging the root cause.
