IIS configuration with rewrite rules doesnt work - internal server error

I'm having issues configuring the webserver IIS in an on-premise setup with 2 virtual machines in Azure (Windows 2022 Datacenter Edition): 1) Application server with Mendix Service Console installed 2) Webserver with IIS Both VM's are in the same domain.   The 'web' folder on the application server is a shared folder and shared with a specific domain account.    I followed the documentation with instruction to setup IIS with rewrite rules. In IIS, I have configured the following: - Default website is disabled in IIS - A custom website was created in IIS running on port 80 and 443 with SSL-certificate - The website is configured with a path that point to a shared folder (\\UNC_path\project\web) on the application server. - The Application Pool for the website is configured with an identity (domain account) that has read/write permissions on the shared 'web' folder on the application server. - I've added the necessary MIME types in IIS - I've added the necessary rewrite rules for the endpoints 'xas', 'ws', 'ws-doc', etc with the rewrite URL "http://<application_root_url>:8080/{R:1}{R:2}".   On the webserver, I can open the homepage of my app by navigating to "http://<application_root_url>:8080" without any issues. When I try to reach my app from the internet by navigating to "https://<webserver>", I get the error message "GET https://<webserver>/mxclientsystem/mxui/mxui.js?638376343342490114 net::ERR_ABORTED 500 (Internal Server Error)".   What could be the problem here?  
1 answers

I found the cause of the issue. The 'web' folder in Mendix 10 contains a folder 'mxclientsystem' which is a shortcut to another directory. The application in IIS did not have the required permissions to read the .js files in this directory. I copied the complete 'web' folder to a local drive on the VM where IIS is running and changed the phyisical path in IIS to point to local folder. That solved the issue.
