Hi All My Application uses SSO as a sign on, I've got all the up-to-date modules MXModuleReflection, SAML20, and Encryption I've generated an Encryption Key which is 32 characters long and has used it locally on my Studio Pro and both Acceptance and Production areas, Acceptance works fine when using SSO but when I use Production it doesn't work I am given this error. - 08:00:13APPINFOSAML_SSO: Loading urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol metadata from /home/vcap/app/data/tmp/saml_IdPFile1705305613047.xml 08:00:13APPERROREncryption: Error while decrypting string: Cannot decrypt the text because it was either encrypted with a different key or not encrypted at all 08:00:13APPERRORSAML_SSO: Unable to generate credential 08:00:13APPcom.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowException: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: Cannot decrypt the text because it was either encrypted with a different key or not encrypted at all 08:00:13APPat Encryption.Decrypt (Error : '') 08:00:13APPat {"name":"SAML20.StartSSO","type":"JavaAction"}
Charlie Matthews
1 answers
It may sound obvious, but if Acceptance does work and Production doesn't, it's always configuration that's off a bit.
Can you verify:
The encryption key(s) are correct in Production (sometimes I see an accidental space added)
Your SAML config is configured from scratch in production (as it has it's own URL etc.)
The legacy key is configured correctly (if you merge from an older version)